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Oak Island Theories

Explore the intriguing world of Oak Island theories, where enthusiasts have proposed countless ideas about the island's legendary treasure. We've compiled a selection of these fascinating theories for your entertainment and curiosity. Please note that the CMHS does not endorse these theories; they are presented solely for interest and exploration.


Theory by Byron Johns of Missouri USA

Here is my theory where the actual location of the treasure resides.


First, Nolan's cross...overlay that with the cross carved in the Prison where Templars were held. Look at the hole. Now reference this with the Spear of Destiny painting. The Spear points to the location matching the hole on the same cross symbol in the prison. Also look at another drawing that has the Passion Chalice in the same location. The location of Beauty. The Passion of Christ and where blood of Jesus was spilled by the Roman soldier. The Heart of Jesus. The Triangle in the swamp points directly at this location.


Growing up Catholic I remember pictures of Christ and Mary, and a symbol of the Heart pendant exactly at the same location of Beauty. I believed that this is the location for many years. I too read that article in Readers Digest and was fascinated with it. Never could afford the opportunity to invested and search that location, but, wanted to share my insights with you.


I go out gold mining when I can and hunt for diamonds at Diamond Crater State Park, AR.


I attached photos of what I have been trying to explain. See, my grandpa always said our past ancestors were Templars, he thought my theory is dead on accurate.


Maybe one more thought I have about the collapsed structure on lot 15, the tunnels, why flood tunnels; for the treasures from Temple Mount, and the value and significance of these artifacts, and the importance of them, and the threats to the Templars, you can bet the place was well thought and would not want easy access to it but must put certain clues left for us to follow... like what I mentioned previously...flood tunnels? What better way to guarantee tunnels to collapse and bury the treasure for who knows how long until it's stuff isn't it?


Byron Johns
326 Lincoln Drive Gower MO 64454
816 294 1862

A theory by Harry Fitzgibbon

The markings appear to symbolize the Constellation of Taurus and the Sun. The structure appears to be circular so, I would assume that it is a geocentric calendar with earth at its center. Perhaps this portion marks the Sun in Taurus, roughly mid-April to mid-May but the map may be pre Gregorian, prior to 153 use the December triangle as the 10th Month.

How to read a medieval astronomical calendar.

Perhaps it is part of an End Times Messianic Countdown? (I know that's a leap) Perhaps the Sun in Leo would mark the 2nd Coming, when the Ark and Minora are returned to the Temple Mount? (another leap)
Below are some illustrations that better explain my hunch.

​Thanks, Wishing you all the best. Stay safe.


** Click on the images to open in full screen and see more information

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